Getting Care

Appointments & Referrals

To make an appointment, log in to the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal​.

For any care that your primary care manager does not provide, such as urgent, preventive, mental health, and specialty care, you’ll need a referral. Find out more about how to obtain the necessary referral and authorization. 

COVID Testing Guidance

COVID Clinic Hours of Operation and Services

The 42 MDG COVID-19 drive-through testing hours of operation are 7:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. by appointment only.  As a reminder, the only authorized users of the COVID-19 testing line are enrolled beneficiaries of the 42 MDG and mission-essential personnel.  All others will need to be seen by their own medical provider or urgent care.  We will continue to provide asymptomatic, symptomatic, and official travel-related COVID-19 testing.  There will be no medical assessments performed and no medication dispensed.  If a patient requires additional medical care:

  • Symptomatic active duty patients can go to 42 MDG Sick Call or make an appointment with their PCM
  • Symptomatic non-active duty patients can make an appointment with their PCM in the clinic they normally receive care
  • Severely ill patients need to report to the nearest emergency room. 
Call the Appointment Line at 953-3368 (Option 1, 1, 1) to schedule COVID testing.

Positive Test Notice

If you have a positive home test, please do not enter the clinic. Patients with a positive test result from an FDA-authorized home test kit should follow appropriate CDC isolation guidance and notification.
All beneficiaries need to notify 42 MDG’s Public Health Office by sending an email to Active duty service members should also notify their chain of command.

Testing Limitations

  • Please note that testing at the COVID-19 Clinic will be limited to being swabbed for COVID-19.
  • Active duty service members who need further evaluation or treatment can be seen during sick call hours.
  • All other enrolled patients will need to schedule an appointment with their Primary Care Manager by calling 334-953-3368 or by visiting MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.


Contact Us


Appointment Line


Referral Management Center


COVID Clinic Hours of Operation

7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

*Third Thursday of the Month and Family Days
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Third Thursday of every month, 42d MDG is closed but Active Duty Sick Call is available 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!