About Us

Image of Maxwell Air Force Base

About Us

The 42nd Medical Group supports Air University, 42nd Air Base Wing, 908th Airlift Wing, and tenant units at Maxwell Air Force Base and Gunter Annex. The group consists of two squadrons: the 42nd Operational Medical Readiness Squadron and the 42nd Health Care Operations Squadron.

The 42nd Medical Group is accredited by The Joint Commission under the Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation Program. The 42nd Health Care Operations Squadron’s laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists.

The 42nd Medical Group is comprised of the 42nd Medical Group staff, which includes the Medical Group Commander, Superintendent, Chief of Medical Staff, Chief Nurse, Chief of Aerospace Medicine, Quality, Patient Safety, Group Practice Manager, Medical Management and Medical Readiness.

The 42nd Operational Medical Readiness Squadron is comprised of Flight Medicine, Trainee Health, Warfighter Care Team (Active Duty clinic), Base Operational Medicine, Dental, Optometry, Public Health, Health Promotions, Bioenvironmental Engineering, and Mental Health.

The 42nd Health Care Operations Squadron is comprised of Family Health, Behavioral Health, Pediatrics, Immunizations, Women’s Health, Educational and Developmental Intervention Services, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Clinic, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Radiology, Medical Logistics, TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration, Resource Management Office, and Information Systems.

Mission Statement: Ready Medics, Maximizing Wellness
Vision: Provide a Premiere Health Care Experience through a Competent, Confident, Caring Force
Motto: Trusted Care Guardians

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